What To Do To Prevent Lockouts

Have you ever locked your front door on your way out for the day, when you realized as soon as the door closed that you had actually locked yourself out? Depending on the type of lock you have, this can actually be fairly easy to do. We put so much thought into security and keeping people out and unable to break in, that we don’t realize sometimes we can actually end up locking ourselves out. Preventing lockouts is important. No one wants to deal with this scenario, and it seems we don’t have enough time in the day to deal with one, either.
But if you do get locked out, you will need access to 24/7 emergency assistance. Locksmith companies like us has a goal is to ensure customers such as yourself in Atlanta, GA have access to what they need. One service we offer, as many locksmiths if not all do, is lockout help, and we make this service available to you around the clock. While a locksmith can help you, we know you want to prevent this from happening in the first place. So how are you supposed to do this? What can we do to prevent lockouts? Keep reading…
Let’s examine some situations…
“My key is nowhere to be found! What can I do?”
“My child locked the front door behind me when I went out to take out the garbage. Now I can’t get back inside!”
“I can’t find my transponder key so I can’t get into my car!”
These are all situations that do indeed happen. Surely numerous locksmiths have heard each and every single one of them or something close numerous times before. But can these things be prevented? The short answer is – yes. You can prevent lockouts from ever taking place.
Here are some things to prevent a lockout from happening in the first place.
- ) Stop Lockouts By Switching to Keyless
Have a keyless system installed in order to stop lockouts from ever happening at your property. Going keyless means a couple of different things. For one, you no longer have to use a key. So you don’t need to worry about losing a traditional key or having it stolen from you. You just won’t need one because you can gain entry to your property by using a code. This can be good for the person who tends to lose things. Do you often ask yourself where your phone is, then realize you are having a conversation on it? If so, consider switching to keyless or at the very least, contact a locksmith and ask about options. There are many price points and systems if you want to switch to keyless.
- ) Prevent a Car Lockout By Keep A Spare Key
Let’s say that your car key battery is dead. So you get into the vehicle by unlocking the car door by inserting the key straight into the lock. Likewise, you have been locking the car door by pressing the button on the inside of the door. You have not needed the key to do this. But what happens when you press the button, lock the car door and close it, only to realize the key is still inside? Now you can’t get back in! It’s a good idea to replace dead batteries fast and to have a mantra in place. Don’t let yourself lock the door or exit the car without the keys in your hand. It just might prevent a lockout.
- ) Copy Your Key and Give it to a Neighbor
Do you trust a neighbor of yours enough to provide them with a copy of your house key? If so, this might be a great idea in case you ever get locked out. Doing this will allow you to be able to get back in fast. There are also things you can buy that are meant to hide keys on your property, so a criminal wouldn’t know where to look for the key.
- ) Try a Key Finder.
A key finder might come in the form of an app that can be utilized to retrace your steps, thus bringing you back to your key.
- ) Copy Your House Key For Yourself
You should always have a spare key, not just for a neighbor, but for yourself, too.
- ) Get a Keypad for Your Garage Door
Have you seen wireless keypads next to the exterior of a garage door? This can be very convenient because it can allow you to get into your home or at least into your garage.
Have you ever locked your front door on your way out for the day, when you realized as soon as the door closed that you had locked yourself out? Depending on the type of lock you have, this can be all too easy to do. We think about keeping people out and unable to break in, to the point that we don’t realize sometimes we can end up locking ourselves out. Preventing lockouts is ideal.
Try to be prepared and avoid a future lockout. These provided steps can help, so think about going over them with a locksmith. A lock expert can help with duplicating your key, getting you back in if you do get locked out, installing a keyless entry system, and more. Remember that you can call a locksmith for help.
If you are in our service area, we can help you get you back inside. We know what we are doing and can help you thanks to our experience. Not in our area? We understand. Just find a locksmith near you by searching online or asking your neighbors who they might recommend. We know that you always must be able to access your car, residence and business. Hopefully you now are able to prevent lockouts.